這篇訪問於美國隊長1上映後登載在BOXOFFICE,採訪中Sebastian Stan提到他對於Bucky Barnes這個角色的看法,以及Bucky和Steve間的關係如何左右他做出一些決定。
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Bucky doesn't get a ton of screen time here, but his character is such an important part of the story of Captain America.
Yeah, he is. Obviously, looking back to the comic books and what ends up happening to him, I think their friendship is a big thing. Between him and Steve in the movie, we're able to show something that gets tested in this film with war: what's morally right and is it worth it? I think for Steve, it's just so important for him to contribute something. He doesn't want to be in the shadows. Bucky in this version has always looked out for him and been very overprotective. He's had Steve in his mind in a certain way. He'd never want anything to happen to him—he's the only family he's ever had. At the same time, I think he's kind of ignorant. He sees what happens to Steve. He finally ultimately learns how far Steve's moral code takes him.
Do you think Bucky almost wishes he was the one turned into a super soldier?
No, I don't think so. I think he thinks it's strange. Then again, the circumstances are weird. Bucky gets rescued by this new Steve. For all we know, Bucky is on an operating table thinking he might never come out. That he might never again see the light of day. So for him, every time he comes back from war, he's like, "Here's another chance to think whether it's worth going back. I'm alive. I'm here for one night. I want to live life." I don't think it's jealousy so much, but he doesn't really have much of a choice because I think for him there's an element of, "Okay I'm going to go fight and I will survive this one mission and then I'll come back and I'll not go back." But the problem is that he has no choice because Steve's going and he never lets Steve go by himself. So I think the protective nature of a parent or a brother was was always there. It wasn't like, "Steve's this muscle guy and I want to be him." It's more like, "Oh god—he's grown up and what do I do?"
You didn't move to America until you were 12. Did you grow up with comic book culture?
The funny thing is I didn't grow up with comic books. I grew up with Communism. I was born in Romania and lived there till I was 8 and then I lived in Vienna for a while. Although I was very young, I do remember that we weren't allowed to leave the country. So after the revolution, people wanted to escape and find a new way of life. It's that element of being trapped into something—of a lack of freedom. I always thought for me with Bucky, because of how he grew up in the military and his dad dying in an accident on a military base. His last image of Bucky is, "You're my descendant." I think there is this enormous amount of weight on him to be something when he's never had a chance to go, "What do I really want?" I wanted to bring that—I hope that was being translated.
In Captain America mythology, Bucky dies but then comes back to life. Do you think that might happen to yours?
I hope so. I would love for that to happen. There are a lot of possibilities. I guess I'll let the fans and the audience of the comic book and the movie decide. Whether I will or not—or whether they even think it's a good idea.
There's that moment in the movie where I was almost expecting Bucky to not follow Steve-to say that he's a guy who always goes too far.
Yeah, I think there's an element of being a little pissed off. I just escaped a god damn chamber where a guy is torturing me with things and now I've got to go back because you want to go back? Because you've got a fancy costume on now? That's great, but I think there's also a natural element of: I'm lucky to survive these battles and suddenly you come in and you save an entire platoon of people. And now you come in and you're being hailed as The Guy. You take all this credit for it. But Bucky's like, "It's you and I care about you—of course I love you." But again it forces Bucky to think, "What's it all worth? What am I fighting for?"
好吧,但是我想還有一種自然的因素:我很幸運從戰爭中活了下來,突然你走進來,救了一整個團的人。現在你被稱為the Guy。你把這一切都歸功於它(正義和道德)。
“這一切值得麼?我在為什麼而戰鬥?” 一部分原因就是為了Steve啊!"因為Steve會去,Bucky絕不會讓Steve自己去。"
How did you handle being at the beginning so much bigger than the fake Steve body, but then letting him be bigger than you in the second half?
It was tough interacting sometimes because sometimes they would put me on a platform, and other times I would have to look at his chest. Then we'd have to match it and freeze in a certain way and then a double would come in and carry on the scene. Technically, there were a couple of things I could do and I couldn't do.
What couldn't you do?
I couldn't act naturally. I couldn't actually hit him or tap him every once in a while. If you were to do physical contact, it would require a specific angle. But Chris was always pretty much the good size that he was. In our real world, our dynamic was much more like the second half of it.